
describe a job you want to try / you will be good at (what it is, what training you need to take, and explain why you want to try it) Part3 Do you know others who also do t...

苏格兰也不例外,在那里jobby作为俚语有着很不一样的意思,表示大便,很明显是源自19世纪的表达法do a job(委婉语:上个厕所)。无论是讽刺还是健忘,英国《卫报》都注意到了jobbymoon一词,还...

它的意思是对某事物有非常细致的了解。(它不是俚语却是非常地道的英式表达) 例句: She is au fait with the company’s rules and regulations. 她对公司的规章制度了然于心。 2.Blindi...

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